Python API

For most use cases, the Configuration Files should suffice. If you need more fine-grained control over your scenarios you can use the Python API. For instance, the API lets you define the exact fragmentation points of your files, exact sizes of filler fragments, and so forth.

Here is a simple script illustrating the basic usage of the API:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pathlib
import sys

from woodblock.file import File, draw_files
from woodblock.fragments import RandomDataFragment, ZeroesFragment
from woodblock.image import Image
from woodblock.scenario import Scenario

HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).absolute().parent

def main():
    woodblock.file.corpus(HERE / '..' / 'data' / 'corpus')
    files = draw_files(number_of_files=2)
    f_a = files[0].fragment_randomly(num_fragments=3)
    f_b = files[1].fragment_evenly(num_fragments=2)

    s = Scenario('First API Scenario')

    image = Image(block_size=512)
    image.write(HERE / 'api-demo.dd')

if __name__ == '__main__':

This script randomly chooses two files from the file corpus. The first one is split into three fragments at random fragmentation points, the second one is split into two fragments of equal size. After that the scenario with the name “First API Scenario” is created and the file fragments as well as two filler fragments are added to the scenario. Finally, the scenario is added to an image object which is then written to disk.

Let’s go through this example step by step. The first lines are just some imports.

from woodblock.file import File, draw_files
from woodblock.fragments import RandomDataFragment, ZeroesFragment
from woodblock.image import Image
from woodblock.scenario import Scenario

After we define the file corpus and randomly draw two files:

woodblock.file.corpus(HERE / '..' / 'data' / 'corpus')
files = draw_files(number_of_files=2)

These files are then split into fragments. The first file is split into three fragments. The fragmentation points are chosen randomly. The second file is split into two fragments. The fragmentation point is chosen so that both fragments are of equal size:

f_a = files[0].fragment_randomly(num_fragments=3)
f_b = files[1].fragment_evenly(num_fragments=2)

After that, a Scenario object is created. Its argument is the name of the scenario:

s = Scenario('First API Scenario')

A Scenario object has a method to add fragments to it. A call to add appends a fragment to any previously added fragments, so that the order of the add calls defines the order of the fragments in the scenario:


We did not only added the fragments of our files but also two filler fragments: a ZeroesFragment of 1024 bytes of size and a RandomDataFragment of 512 bytes of size. As you can see, you can specify the exact size of the filler fragments using the API.

After that, our scenario is complete and we create an Image object with a block size of 512 bytes. Image objects represent test image files to be written to disk. Just like we could add fragments to a scenario, we can add scenarios to an Image. If we added all of the scenarios, we can finally write the image using the write method.

Those are already the basic blocks you need to create your own test images using the API: you select files from the test file corpus, fragments them in some way, add the fragments to a scenario, add the scenario to an image, and finally write the image to disk.

The following sections describe the available API functions and objects in a more detailed way.

Files and Fragments

Files are always selected from a file corpus. Therefore, you have to specify the path to your file corpus before you can select any files. This is done using the woodblock.files.corpus function. This function takes the path to your file corpus as its only argument. An example call would look like this:

# You can provide the path using a string...
# ... or via a pathlib.Path object
path = pathlib.Path('path/to/your/corpus/')

Once you have defined your corpus, you can start using its files. If you do not care which exact files to use from your corpus, you can use the draw_files function, which randomly chooses the given number of files from your corpus. The function lets you not only specify the number of files but also the minimal size of each files. Moreover, you can specify if duplicate files are allowed or not. Duplicate files are basically two different objects pointing to the same original file. Finally, you can indicate that you want the files to be drawn only from a special subdirectory of your corpus. The following examples show how to use this function:

# This will give you one randomly chosen file:
single_file = woodblock.file.draw_files()

# Here is an example with four randomly chosen files:
files = woodblock.file.draw_files(number_of_files=4)

# Now we want three files, but only from the jpeg/ subdirectory:
files = woodblock.file.draw_files(path='jpeg', number_of_files=3)

# The same but only files with a minimal size of 2 MB:
files = woodblock.file.draw_files(path='jpeg', number_of_files=3, min_size=2*1024**2)

# Finally, choose ten files without duplicates:
files = woodblock.file.draw_files(number_of_files=10, unique=True)

Note that draw_files always returns a list of File objects, that is, even single_file is a list (with only one item).

File objects represent files from your corpus. If you don’t want to use draw_files to get your File objects, you can create them manually. This allows you to choose specific files from your corpus. To create a File object, simply pass the path of the file you want (relative to the corpus) to the constructor:

some_file = woodblock.file.File('some/path/relative/to/the/corpus.jpg')

File objects provide some methods returning metadata about the file they represent. For example, there are the methods size, path, id, and hash which return just what you would expect from the names.

More interesting are the methods used to split a file into fragments. Here, we have as_fragment, fragment, fragment_evenly, and fragment_randomly. The first one simply converts the file into a single fragment. This is can be used, when you want to add a contiguous file to your scenario (Scenario objects can only be used with fragments; see below). fragment can be used to fragment a file at specific fragmentation points. fragment_evenly and fragment_randomly are convenience methods, which split a file into a given number of evenly sized fragments or into a given number of randomly sized fragments. The following snippet provides some usage examples for the methods to fragment a file:

# some_file as a single fragment:
contiguous = some_file.as_fragment()

# some_file spit at specific fragmentation points. Fragmentation points are
# defined with respect to the block_size, i.e. the following example splits
# the file at bytes 1024, 1536, and 3584:
fragments = some_file.fragment(fragmentation_points=(2, 3, 7), block_size=512)

# Split some_file into three evenly sized fragments:
evenly_fragmented = some_file.fragment_evenly(num_fragments=3, block_size=512)
# or shorter:
evenly_fragmented = some_file.fragment_evenly(3)

# Split some_file into three fragments at random fragmentation points:
randomly_fragmented: some_file.fragment_randomly(num_fragments=3, block_size=512)
# or shorter:
randomly_fragmented: some_file.fragment_randomly(3)

These methods give you a high level of control to create very specific fragmentation scenarios. However, if you just want some fragmented files, Woodblock has some convenience functions for you. draw_fragmented_files basically combines draw_files and File.fragment_randomly and gives you a list of fragment lists.

from woodblock.file import draw_fragmented_files

# Three fragmented files:
fragments = draw_fragmented_files(number_of_files=3)

# Three fragmented files from the png/large subdirectory:
fragments = draw_fragmented_files(path='png/large', number_of_files=3)

# Three fragmented files each split into at least three and at most six fragments:
fragments = draw_fragmented_files(number_of_files=3, min_fragments=3, max_fragments=6)

Since scenarios with intertwined files (or braided files as they are sometimes called) are quite common, Woodblock provides a helper function for this, too. intertwine_randomly chooses a given number of files from your corpus, splits them into fragments, and orders the fragments for you. Again, there are various arguments that you can pass to the function:

from woodblock.file import intertwine_randomly

# Intertwine three files:
intertwined = intertwine_randomly(number_of_files=3)

# Intertwine three files from the png/large subdirectory:
intertwined = intertwine_randomly(path='png/large', number_of_files=3)

# Intertwine two files and make sure that each file has
# at least three and at most six fragments:
intertwined = intertwine_randomly(number_of_files=3, min_fragments=3, max_fragments=6)

Note that intertwine_randomly makes sure that fragments of the same file are never next to each other.

All of the different fragmentation functions and methods described above create FileFragment objects. A FileFragment represents a fragment of a file from your corpus. Additionally, Woodblock provides special fragment types for synthetic data. For instance, you can create a region of zero bytes using the ZeroesFragment. This is useful, if you want to simulate unused or wiped disk areas. Here’s how to create a fragment filled with 0x00 of 4096 bytes of size:

zeroes = woodblock.fragments.ZeroesFragment(size=4096)

Creating a fragment of 4096 bytes of size filled with random data is equally simple:

random_data = woodblock.fragments.RandomDataFragment(size=4096)

ll of the different fragment types have various methods to provide information about themselves: you can query the size and the SHA-256 hash as well as a dictionary containing all of the metadata of the fragment.

Now that we know how to create fragments, let’s find out how to create a carving test scenario out of them.


A Scenario object represents a test scenario for a file carver. That is, it consists of a certain number of file fragments arranged in a certain order. Moreover, a scenario can contain filler fragments such as the ones described above (e.g. ZeroesFragment or RandomDataFragment).

To create such a scenario using the Woodblock API, simply create an instance of the Scenario class:

scenario = woodblock.scenario.Scenario('A simple scenario')

The parameter provided to Scenario is the name of the scenario. This name appears in the ground truth files generated and should be as descriptive as possible. Have a look at the descriptions used in the DFRWS 2007 File Image Layout page for inspiration.

After you created a Scenario instance, you can add fragments to it:

import woodblock
from woodblock.file import File
from woodblock.fragments import RandomDataFragment, ZeroesFragment

scenario = woodblock.scenario.Scenario('contiguous file with filler before and after')


The example above creates the scenario “contiguous file with filler before and after” consisting of 4096 zero bytes, then the contiguously stored file “some/path/relative/to/the/corpus.jpg”, and finally 4096 bytes of random data. The order in which fragments are added to the scenario is the order in which these fragments will be written to disk later on.

The add method does not only take single fragments, but also lists of fragments. This is convenient if you are, well, working with lists of fragments:

import woodblock
from woodblock.file import File

scenario = woodblock.scenario.Scenario('single file with reversed fragments')

fragments = File('some/file.txt').fragment_randomly(5)


This is already everything you need to create a scenario. The next step is to add your scenario to an image file which is written to disk.


Image objects represent actual test files that you can provide as input to the carvers you want to evaluate. An image contains one or more scenarios and can be written to disk as an actual file. Moreover, when being written an additional log file is written containing the ground truth about this image. That is, it specifies which files are contained in the image and at which offsets their fragments are.

Creating an Image instance is as easy as:

import woodblock

# By default an image has a block size of 512 bytes:
image = woodblock.image.Image()

# But you can change the block size:
image4k = woodblock.image.Image(block_size=4096)

As you can see from the examples above, an image has a fixed block size. This means that any fragment in this image is padded to this block size. Consider for instance the image and the fragments shown below. The image has a fixed block size but the size of the fragments B and A.2 are no multiples of this block size.

The padding introduced by the Image instance will align the fragments to the block size specified in the constructor. That is, padding data will be appended to B and A.2. This is indicated by the dark gray areas labeled with “p”.

By default, random data is used where padding is required. However, you can provide your own data generator when creating your Image instance. For example you can use 0x00 as padding like this:

zeroes_padding = woodblock.datagen.Zeroes()
image = woodblock.image.Image(padding_generator=zeroes_padding)

The object that you provide as padding_generator has to fulfill the data generator interface described in section “Data Generators”.

After creating an Image instance, you can add scenarios to it. This works in the same way as you added fragments to a scenario:

s1 = woodblock.scenario.Scenario("first scenario")
s2 = woodblock.scenario.Scenario("second scenario")
# add some fragments to the scenarios
image = woodblock.image.Image()

The order of the scenarios in the resulting image corresponds to the order in which you added them. Just as before with fragments and scenarios.

The last step to do is to write the image to disk:


This will not only write all of the scenarios to the image file test-image.dd, but it will also write a JSON file containing the ground truth of the image. This file will be placed next to the image and will have the same same with .json appended. In the example above, you would find your ground truth in the file test-image.dd.json.

Data Generators

Data generators are objects implementing a certain interface. They are used in Woodblock to generate the block padding that is used in an image or within some FillerFragments for example. The interface is quite simple, so it’s easy to write your own data generators. Here is the Zeroes data generator class that is already included in Woodblock:

# You can find this in the module woodblock.datagen

class Zeroes:
"""Generates zero bytes."""

    def __call__(self, size):
        return b'\x00' * size

    def __str__(self):
        return 'zeroes'

As you can see, a data generator has to be callable. For classes this means that you have to implement the __call__ magic method. While this would be sufficient to make your data generator work, we highly recommend to implement the __str__ magic method, too. When your data generator is used within one of the fragment classes for example, its string representation will be written to the ground truth file. So, returning something meaningful from __str__ helps you and others reading and understanding what is within your image.

When data is needed from your data generator, it will be called with a size argument indicating how many bytes to return. Of course, your data generator should return the correct number here. Woodblock expects the data generators to always return as many bytes as requested and doesn’t do any checking on the returned bytes. If your data generator fails to generate the expected number of bytes for some reason, you should raise an exception and not return any bytes.

You might have noticed, that the interface would also allow you to use a “normal” function as data generator. While technically this would work, we argue against doing so because your data generator function would not have a descriptive string representation. While there are ways to implement a custom string representation for your functions, using a class is just simpler.

Here is one more simple implementation of a data generator which generates a repeated sequence of bytes:

class Pattern:
"""Generate a repeated sequence of bytes."""

    def __init__(self, pattern=b'AB'):
        self._pattern = pattern

    # a data generator has to be callable => implement the __call__ method
    def __call__(self, size):
        it = itertools.cycle(self._pattern)
        return b''.join(bytes([next(it)]) for _ in range(size))

    # a data generator should have a descriptive __str__ implementation
    def __str__(self):
        return 'pattern'

# this is how you would use the Pattern data generator to pad an image
image = woodblock.image.Image(padding_generator=Pattern(b'XO'))

API Reference

The following sections provide a brief documentation of the API.



Specifies the path to the test file corpus to use.


path – The path to the corpus

path can either be a string or a pathlib.Path object. In any way, it has to be an existing directory. All paths used for File objects are relative to the file corpus path.


Return the specified file corpus path.


The corpus path

Return type


woodblock.file.draw_files(path=None, number_of_files=1, unique=False, min_size=0)

Chooses random files from the file corpus.

  • path – Subdirectory of the corpus

  • number_of_files (int) – Number of files to draw

  • unique (bool) – Forbid a file to be drawn multiple times

  • min_size (int) – Minimal file size


a list of File objects

Return type


If path is None, the complete corpus will be considered. If it set to a path relative to the corpus, then only files in this directory (and its subdirectories) are considered.

If unique is set to True, then the resulting list will not contain file objects pointing to the same path in the corpus.

min_size can be set to define a minimal file size of the files to be chosen.

woodblock.files.draw_fragmented_files(path=None, number_of_files=1, block_size=512, min_fragments=1, max_fragments=4)

Choose number_of_files random files from path and fragment them randomly.

  • path – Subdirectory of the corpus

  • number_of_files (int) – Number of files to draw

  • block_size (int) – Block size to be used when splitting files

  • min_fragments (int) – Min. number of fragments per file

  • max_fragments (int) – Max. number of fragments per file


a list of fragment lists

Return type


This function chooses number_of_files files from the given path (relative to the corpus) and fragments them at random fragmentation points. The number of fragments per file will be between min_fragments and max_fragments (both numbers included, i.e. min_fragments ≤ number of fragments ≤ max_fragments).

The result is a list of fragment lists, e.g. [ [f1.1, f1.2, f1.3], [f2.1, ], [f3.1, f3.2] ].

If path is None, the complete corpus will be considered. If it set to a path relative to the corpus, then only files in this directory (and its subdirectories) are considered.

Note that there is no guarantee that a file is not chosen more than once.

woodblock.files.intertwine_randomly(path=None, number_of_files=2, block_size=512, min_fragments=1, max_fragments=4)

Choose number_of_files random files from path and intertwine them randomly.

  • path – Subdirectory of the corpus

  • number_of_files (int) – Number of files to intertwine

  • block_size (int) – Block size to used when splitting files

  • min_fragments (int) – Min. number of fragments per file

  • max_fragments (int) – Max. number of fragments per file


a list of intertwined fragments

Return type


This function chooses number_of_files files from the given path (relative to the corpus), fragments them at random fragmentation points, and intertwines them randomly. The number of fragments per file will be between min_fragments and max_fragments (both numbers included, i.e. min_fragments ≤ number of fragments ≤ :code`max_fragments`).

The result is a list of fragments, e.g. [f3.1, f1.1, f3.2, f2.1, f1.2, f2.2, f1.3].

The function ensures that there will in fact be unique number_of_files files. Moreover, the function guarantees that two fragments of the same file will not be at consecutive list positions. The fragments of each file will be stored in order.

class woodblock.file.File(path)

This class represents an actual file of the test file corpus.


path (pathlib.Path) – a path relative to the specified corpus

property woodblock.file.File.hash

Return the SHA-256 hash of the file contents as hexadecimal string.

Return type



Returns the ID of the file.

Return type


The ID is a UUID generated when the File object is instantiated. Each File object has a unique ID—even if it references the same file of the corpus. This is useful, if you want to add the same file twice to the same scenario.

property woodblock.file.File.path

Returns the path of the file relative to the corpus path.

Return type


property woodblock.file.File.size

Returns the size of the file.

Return type



Convert the File to a single FileFragment. This is useful, if you want to add a contiguous, non-fragmented file to a scenario.

Return type



Returns the maximal number of fragments which can be created for a given block_size.

Return type


woodblock.file.File.fragment(fragmentation_points, block_size=512)

Fragments the file at the given fragmentation_points with respect to the given block_size.

  • fragmentation_points (typing.Sequence) – a sequence of fragmentation points relative to the block size

  • block_size (int) – block size to use when splitting the file


a list of woodblock.fragments.FileFragment objects

Return type


This method fragments the current file at the specified fragmentation_points. The fragmentation points are multiplied with the given block_size in order to compute the actual fragmentation offsets. fragmentation_points has to be a sequence of integers, block_size has to be an integer and defaults to 512 if it is not specified.

woodblock.file.File.fragment_evenly(num_fragments, block_size=512)

This method fragments the current file into num_fragments fragments.

  • num_fragments (int) – number of fragments to create

  • block_size (int) – block size to use when splitting the file


a list of wwodblock.fragments.FileFragment objects

Return type


The fragmentation points are chosen so that each fragment will be of the same size (if possible). If the file cannot be fragmented evenly, then all but the last fragment will have the same size and the last one will be smaller than the other ones.

The block size to be used when splitting the file can be specified using the block_size argument, which defaults to 512.

woodblock.file.File.fragment_randomly(num_fragments, block_size=512)

This method fragments the current file into num_fragments fragments. The

  • num_fragments (int) – number of fragments to create

  • block_size (int) – block size to use when splitting the file


a list of woodblock.fragments.FileFragment objects

Return type


The fragmentation points are chosen randomly. If num_fragments is None, then the number of fragments is chosen randomly between 1 and the maximum number of fragments for the given block_size.


class woodblock.fragments.FileFragment(file, fragment_number, start_offset, end_offset, chunk_size=8192)

This class represents a fragments of an actual file from the file corpus.

  • file (woodblock.file.File) – the file the fragment is part of

  • fragment_number (int) – the fragment number of this fragment

  • start_offset (int) – start offset of the fragment within the original file

  • end_offset (int) – end offset of the fragment within the original file

file is the File object representing the original file and fragment_number is the number of the fragment (i.e. is it the first fragment, is the second one and so on). start_offset and end_offset define the offsets where the fragment starts and ends (relative to the original file).

property woodblock.fragments.FileFragment.hash

Return the SHA-256 digest as hexadecimal string.

Return type


property woodblock.fragments.FileFragment.metadata

Return the fragment metadata.

Return type


The fragment metadata is a dict containing information about the file the fragments originates from (e.g. the hash, the size, and the path) as well as information about the current fragment (e.g. the hash, the size, and the fragment number with respect to the original file).

property woodblock.fragments.FileFragment.size

Return the size of the fragment.

Return type


class woodblock.fragments.FillerFragment(size, data_generator=None, chunk_size=8192)

A filler fragment is a fragment containing synthetic data. It can be used to simulate wiped areas or areas with random data.

  • size (int) – size of the fragment

  • data_generator – data generator producing the fragment data

data_generator has to be an object compatible with the data generator interface.

property woodblock.fragments.FillerFragment.hash

Return the SHA-256 digest as hexadecimal string.

Return type


property woodblock.fragments.FillerFragment.metadata

Return the fragment metadata.

Return type


The fragment metadata is a dict containing information about the file the fragments originates from (e.g. the hash, the size, and the type) as well as information about the current fragment (e.g. the hash, the size, and the fragment number with respect to the original file).

Note that FillerFragments do not point to any “real” files. Therefore, the values of the original file and the fragment will be mostly identical. The file metadata is included only for consistency with the FileFragment.

property woodblock.fragments.FillerFragment.size

Return the size of the fragment.

Return type


class woodblock.fragments.RandomDataFragment(size, chunk_size=8192)

A fragment filled with random bytes.


size (int) – the size of the fragment

property woodblock.fragments.RandomDataFragment.hash

Return the SHA-256 digest as hexadecimal string.

Return type


property woodblock.fragments.FileFragment.metadata

Return the fragment metadata.

Return type


The fragment metadata is a dict containing information about the file the fragments originates from (e.g. the hash, the size, and the type) as well as information about the current fragment (e.g. the hash, the size, and the fragment number with respect to the original file).

Note that FillerFragments do not point to any “real” files. Therefore, the values of the original file and the fragment will be mostly identical. The file metadata is included only for consistency with the FileFragment.

property woodblock.fragments.RandomDataFragment.size

Return the size of the fragment.

Return type


class woodblock.fragments.ZeroesFragment(size, chunk_size=8192)

A fragment filled with random bytes.


size (int) – the size of the fragment

property woodblock.fragments.ZeroesFragment.hash

Return the SHA-256 digest as hexadecimal string.

Return type


property woodblock.fragments.FileFragment.metadata

Return the fragment metadata.

Return type


The fragment metadata is a dict containing information about the file the fragments originates from (e.g. the hash, the size, and the type) as well as information about the current fragment (e.g. the hash, the size, and the fragment number with respect to the original file).

Note that FillerFragments do not point to any “real” files. Therefore, the values of the original file and the fragment will be mostly identical. The file metadata is included only for consistency with the FileFragment.

property woodblock.fragments.ZeroesFragment.size

Return the size of the fragment.

Return type



class woodblock.scenario.Scenario(name)

This class represents a file carving scenario.


name (str) – the name of the scenario

A scenario contains fragments in a certain order. name defines the name of the scenario which identifies the scenario in the ground truth files.


Add a fragment to the scenario.


fragment – the fragment to add to the scenario


The same as add(scenario) but this time scenarios is a list or tuple of fragments to be added to the scenario.


fragments – a list fragments to add to the scenario

property woodblock.scenario.Scenario.metadata

Return a dict containing metadata about the scenario.

Return type



class woodblock.image.Image(block_size=512, padding_generator=woodblock.datagen.Random())

The Image class represents a carving test image.

  • block_size (int) – The block size to be used in the image

  • padding_generator – The data generator to use

An image contains a sequence of Scenario instances. An image has a fixed block size and all blocks smaller than the block size will be padded with data generated by a configurable data generator. If no padding_generator is specified, random data will be used as padding.


Add a Scenario to the image.


scenario (woodblock.scenario.Scenario) – The scenario to add

static woodblock.scenario.Image.from_config(path)

Create an Image instance based on a configuration file.


path (pathlib.Path) – Path to the configuration file


Write the image to disk.


path (pathlib.Path) – The image output path

This method write the image to the specified path. Moreover, it also writes the image metadata to disk. The metadata file will be path with the “.json” extension. E.g. if path is “test-image.dd” then the actual image will be in “test-image.dd” and the metadata will be in “test-image.dd.json”.